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Ready to find out what MSU Denver can do for you? We’ve got you covered.
The MSU Denver College of Business professional advisors and faculty are here to help you reach your educational and professional goals. New transfer students, freshman and sophomore students, readmits, and seniors nearing graduation should meet with a professional advisor. Use the links below to set an appointment.
Juniors and seniors should meet with faculty advisors in your major department to discuss major elective options, career goals, and internships.
We will also email a shorter version of this to you the day before your orientation session. If you are a transfer student and not attending on-campus or virtual (Teams) orientation, you will not receive an email—please use the guide below to ensure a first successful semester and sign up for an academic advising appointment.
Aren’t sure which Business Degree is right for you? You can learn about all of our College of Business Programs here and in the University Catalog. You can also learn about various business careers including job outlooks; education, skills, and knowledge requirements; and average salaries here: and
You will need to have the following available during the registration session of orientation or your first advising appointment if not attending orientation
Instructions for accessing and sending official transcripts and AP/IB/CLEP/DSST test scores. You must send official transcripts and AP/IB/CLEP test scores to MSU Denver Admissions to receive credit for courses. You can find instructions for sending documents here. You can check to see what you will receive credit for AP/IB/CLEP scores by going to the University Catalog Alternate Credit Options/Prior Learning Assessment Section
Sending SAT, ACT, and Accuplacer Scores. You can find instructions for sending transcripts and documents here:
Before registering for classes, carefully consider costs such as tuition & fees, textbooks, parking, housing, etc.
Follow these important tips to save money and learn about options for paying for college and university/community resources
How many classes should I register for? New students can register for a max of 18 credits; the average number of credits our students take is 11 credit hours each semester
Which classes should Transfer Students Register for?
Already a Business Professional or interested in Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to save money and time? You can receive credit for Prior Learning through College Level Entrance Exams, Portfolio Review, and Department Exam. Learn about business specific opportunities here (Appendix I in the CBUS Student Guide) and university PLA here
Which classes should New College Students register for?
What should I know about these recommended classes?
How to Pick General Studies classes. Use the General Studies sheet to pick your Historical, Arts & Humanities, and Natural & Physical Science Electives. Learn about our General Studies program and Ethnic Studies and Social Justice requirement here
How do I find the class schedule and how are MSU Denver classes set up?
How do I register for classes? If attending orientation, our Orientation Leaders will show you how to use Student Hub and register for classes. There is also a step-by-step registration guide here
What else should I know or do to be successful?
If you need to make class scheduling changes after classes start, please be aware of the following policies and deadlines
Once you’ve registered for classes, we recommend following the suggested Next Steps on the Signed Up for Orientation link
Getting Assistance and Additional Resources
AAF Accuplacer and QAS Accuplacer information
AAF Accuplacer Information. This is the placement test for MTH 1310, Finite Math, or MTH 1311/MTH 1312, Finite Math with required Lab–this is the Math course recommended for all CBUS majors EXCEPT Economics students interested in Grad School.
You can find study guides as well as the schedule for AAF and QAS review sessions here: and information on setting up the test here:
AAF/QAS Study Resources and Tutoring are available here:
Recommended General Studies Courses
Natural & Physical Science Electives:
Arts & Humanities Electives:
Historical Elective Courses
Popular Open Electives
Introductory Business Classes without Prerequisites
Career and Professional Development – these are usually 1-credit, part-term classes.
Exercise & Sport Science Activities/Sport Management
Health/Emergency Response/Human Services
Hospitality, Tourism, Event Planning
Aerospace Studies, Advanced Manufacturing, Industrial Design, Construction Project Management
Language, Communication, Media
Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Criminal Justice
Cooking, Food, Beverage, Cannabis, Nutrition
Early Child Education/Education
Leadership, Activism, Social Responsibility, Justice, and Identity
Complete Orientation as soon as possible. Sign up here:
Follow the required Next Steps here:
Send transcripts, including AP and/or IB test scores and concurrent enrollment courses, to MSU Denver Admissions. Find instructions for sending documents here:
Military/Veteran students will need to send your DD214 and CCAF Transcript (Air Force) or Joint Service Transcript to Bren Shuler at [email protected]
If you have not completed a Math class, send your ACT or SAT scores to MSU Denver Admissions if you received a 500 or higher (SAT) or 19 or higher (ACT) and your scores are less than 5 years old. You can learn about Math requirements and secondary placement testing here:
Meet with your Academic Advisor. Advisors are available during on-campus and Teams orientations so there is no need to make a separate advising appointment if you are attending one of these. If not attending the on-campus or Teams, orientations, set up an academic advising appointment. Please do NOT meet with your academic advisor until you have copies of all of your unofficial transcripts—we will not grant overrides for courses without them.
Review the Business Student Advising Guide at and FAQs here:
You can find your registration window by:
You can find the Class Schedule, a Registration Guide, Instructions for Clearing Holds, and other useful registration links here:
Need an override for a course? Check to make sure you have the prerequisites first by reviewing the course description in the catalog or in the class schedule. We will not waive prerequisites due to our AACSB accreditation. If you meet course prerequisites, you may call the Academic Department for Assistance, come by drop-in advising, or set up an email advising appointment with your advisor for assistance.
Need to know what classes to register for? Make an Academic Advising appointment. Remember Juniors and Seniors who just need course recommendations and are in Good Standing should see a Faculty Advisor. All other students should meet with your academic advisor. You can make an appointment here: You may also use drop-in advising for quick questions. If you need an APLAN or need extended assistance, you should make an appointment and not use drop-in advising.
Can’t get an advising appointment as soon as you would like? For quick questions, use drop-in advising. Or, you can learn about Business requirements and how to read your Degree Progress Report to determine which classes you should take here: If self-advising, we strongly recommend a follow up appointment with your advisor to ensure you aren’t missing prerequisites.
Need advising after hours? You can email your advisor to see if they can accommodate you or you can set up an email advising appointment–when it asks you what type of appointment you would like (phone, Teams, Zoom, email), select email and clearly specify what you need assistance with in the message.
On Academic Probation or Academic Suspension? You must take the Academic Probation tutorial and quiz and sign the contract here: to get your Academic Probation hold lifted. For Academic Suspension, follow the instructions here:
Steps to take once you are registered for classes….
Center for Multicultural Engagement and Inclusion. CMEI Racial Equity & Leadership Programs bring together students to explore, influence, and shape change in their communities. We have a number of programs designed to strengthen your identity and understanding of yourself, grow empathy and experience working with others, and advance our shared communities towards positive change.
DREAMer Emergency Fund – emergency stipend for MSU Denver students who have; undocumented, DACA or TPS status. The fund is managed in collaboration by the Student Care Center and the Immigrant Services Program. Students are eligible to receive funding once a semester. This award will only be granted after a student has submitted an online application and connected with professional staff associated with the Student Care Center or Immigrant Services Program.
First Generation Initiatives – MSU Denver is proud that almost 56% of the student body identifies as first-generation, and we feel honored to be a part of their educational journey. Learn more about first generation programs, events, and support at
Immigrant Services – at the Metropolitan State University of Denver is an academic and social support program that aims to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation of undocumented, DACA, immigrant, and refugee students. Through academic counseling, ESL support, scholarship application assistance, and access to campus and community resources, the program’s mission is to address the most common challenges and barriers to education that this underserved, underrepresented student population faces.
International Student Support – International Student Support serves international students studying on an ‘F’ visa. While our main purpose is to ensure that you are able to maintain your legal status while studying at MSU Denver, we are also here to support your personal, academic, and career goals.
LQBTQ Resource Center: The LGBTQ Student Resource Center of Auraria is a tri-institutional office dedicated to providing resources and support to the LGBTQ+ community of the Auraria campus. We are the oldest campus LGBTQ+ center in the state of Colorado.
On-line Learning Student Services
The Phoenix Center at Auraria – provides free and confidential support resources and assistance to survivors of interpersonal violence (relationship violence, sexual violence, and stalking), as well as their friends, families, and concerned others. Located in Tivoli 259, 303-315-7250 (during business hours); 303-556-2255 (24/7 crisis line); More information at
Student Care Programs at
TRIO Student Support Services (TRIO SSS). TRIO SSS is a federally funded program to provide academic support, peer mentoring, skill-building, scholarship opportunities, and leadership development to eligible students (criteria includes degree seeking, low income, first generation, and/or documented disability). Students may apply via
Undergraduate Research. The Undergraduate Research & Creative Scholarship Program promotes, supports, and celebrates MSU Denver faculty and student engagement in undergraduate research activities. These undergraduate research experiences enhance students’ preparedness and competitiveness for future employment and the pursuit of advanced degrees.
Veterans and Military Services – Provides services for Veteran and Military members (see more at
For Military Transfer Credits see
Remember to Certify your classes each semester if using the GI Bill!
You can learn about all MSU Denver College of Business Degrees here:
Beginning in Fall 2023, we will offer 16 different degrees, 16 minors, and 5 certificate programs. Several programs (Marketing, Management, Banking, Professional Selling, and Business Intelligence) will be fully on-line. An optional International Business Concentration is available for most degrees. Students also have the option to create their own degree through the Individualized Degree Program (more information on IDPs is available here:
If you would like to add a minor, certificate, or concentration, talk to your Academic Advisor
Want to change your College of Business degree for a different College of Business Degree? You can submit a change of major request form and your advisor will change it for you in a couple of days. Find the form here: We can only add Business Degrees. If you want to change your degree to a major outside of the College of Business, you will need to fill out a declaration of major/minor form (available here: and submit it to your new advisor (use the Advisor Directory in your Orientation Packet or look up their information on the Department website).
Student Advising Guide and Planning Resources. The College of Business offers a comprehensive student advising guide which covers important information such as learning how to read your Degree Progress Report or use the University Catalog, available here: Frequent Advising FAQs are available here:
Planning Resources. In addition to the advising guide, students can find their Degree Worksheet and Business Course rotation schedule available here:
College of Business Tutoring. The College of Business offers tutoring in the Admin Building for certain Business classes including ECO 2010, ACC 2010, CIS 3300, FIN 3300, etc. You can find the current schedule here:
Contact Information. You can find your Academic Advisor’s contact information, including Office, here: and contact information for your Faculty Advisors and Chairs here:
Make a Graduation Check appointment through Navigate with your Academic Advisor (not a Faculty Advisor). Click here to schedule your appointment:
Apply to Graduate and Follow the Graduation Checklist here:
Get important info about Commencement, such as ordering regalia, here:
Monday: 9am to 12pm Wendy Walker, Room AD 210E
Monday: 1pm to 4pm Alice McClendon, Room AD 205A
Tuesday: 9am to 12pm Alice McClendon, Room AD 205A
Tuesday: 1pm to 4pm Daniel Haupt, AD 210A
Wednesday: 9am to 12pm Celeste Lopez-Ponce, Room AD 530N
Wednesday: no afternoon Drop-ins due to Advisor Meeting
Thursday: 9am to 12pm Wendy Walker, Room AD 210E
Thursday: 1pm to 4pm Donelyn Jones, Room AD 210D
Friday: 9am to 12pm Joseph Cao, Room AD 210C
Friday: 1pm to 4pm Angela Schissler, Room AD 210B
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 210C
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 210A
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 210D
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 530N
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 205A
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 210B
[email protected]
Position Role: Full-Time Staff
Office Location: AD 210E